Brazil Course, DD1-2 staff:

Annamária MOHOS

High Line park, New York:

Useful ideas, inspirations:

Downloadable maps with topography and buildings:

Inspirations, additions: Budapest’s best ‘ruin bars’ (english article)

A Hungarian actress, Dorottya Udvaros on the process of creating something – on making mistakes, on experimenting:

Some directors want results too early. Younger directors come and direct the scene, and they want it back right away, they want to see it played good. They would not let me, us, everyone to make mistakes for even a hundred times. But those very good directors with whom I was lucky to work with earlier almost haven’t directed the piece until the day before the opening night: they knew that I will only be able to find the right way if I experiment with lots of things. (…) The main thing is not just learning a poem and reciting it and getting a five mark. I have to try, to experiment with it: saying my part while sitting, shouting, crying, angrily. We have to feel with the director which way fits the most, and we have to put it together with the thoughts and feels of the other actors.

So I feel it neccessary to always keep the possibility of just wandering, stumling.

As a side note – a beautiful film on Bogotá:

3rdt presentation, for tuesday (24.):

  • in groups again
  • the motto is: LOOKING FOR PROBLEMS of the site – on map(s), shilouettes, drawing(s); as dense and informal as can be.

1st presentation, for tuesday:

  • in groups of 2
  • one piece of A/3 paper (297 × 420 mm)
  • the motto is: MY VIEW of the site – drawing(s), picture(s), sketch(es), map(s), info-graphic(s) – composed az one small poster, a bigger postcard, and again: it should be PERSONAL (and nice 😉 )

You’ll find the map of the site here (as well as the opening presentations).

Some inspirations (click on the pictures):

Virág Révai: “Trolley buses in Budapest”:

Typo-graphic Budapest:

Sketches and examinations for a small hotel in the Castle district:



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